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IOX History EN


Hello, my name is Bob. I am the first humanoid robot in Düsseldorf. Bit by bit I came to life – out of the 3D printer.


All kinds of technologies are connected in my body: Sensors, motors, microcontrollers and software, but also industrial design, an internet connection and artificial intelligence. “Incredible, it is possible to print a whole humanoid robot,” a smart guy laughed at me. They call him Robert. I was built to demonstrate the team’s work to potential IOX customers because discretion about customers’ projects is a big issue for us. Luckily for me, because now I am the one who can show the customers what the IOX-Team is able to do. You want to know it? Let’s start at the beginning:


Everybody’s doing PowerPoints, except of Robert – he’s building prototypes


Although I don’t like to admit: There were prototypes before I was built. Robert’s first prototype, a skateboard with electrical drive, was the hour of birth of the IOX LAB: At once investors started to understand what’s behind a written idea. Innovative technology made it possible to make ideas reality and experience them. The idea of the electric skateboard has developed into an innovative start-up with a solid product called Mellow Boards.


So Robert founded IOX LAB in August 2015. “I always wanted to experience how a start-up works.” Before that, he worked in data centres and was responsible for the software distribution on 60.000 clients and servers. Robert then first started the blog ““ and found out about the Maker-Community. He quickly discovered that new ideas in the field of IT stuck in powerpoint presentations: “But no one really implemented it.” The IOX LAB’s claim was created: „Make Things Not Slides“.

Rapid Prototyping: In 30 days from idea to prototype


The aim was to build up a team of experts and implement prototypes exceptionally fast to integrate and optimize solutions for the Internet of Things in companies. But not everything was easy: To create a working business model and earn money at the same time, was one of the biggest difficulties on his way.


After the IOX LAB moved into the rooms of the Startplatz in Düsseldorf, Robert invested in hardware and bought a laser cutter and a 3D printer. The company takes its first steps and one of the first customers was a DAX concern. With new deals the IOX-Team started to grow. Today, the team covers the full stack of IoT. There are software and hardware developers, engineers, industrial designers and creative minds. They are working on the innovation and development of smart products every day. It is central to all projects that ideas are implemented together. Thanks to their pioneering spirit and the open source movement, I came to life and change the world of tomorrow.

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