Data Science & Engineering

We develop the appropriate data & machine learning architecture for your IoT solution.

Video & Audio Recognition

Facilitate and extend processes with Data Science and increase business value

Using Big Data sensibly: Gain knowledge, recognize patterns & make decisions

Use IoT data sensibly: data science

The Internet of Things generates a lot of information for us. This data needs to be processed. We help you to read data sets supplied by sensors, apps and clouds and to use them sensibly.

Thanks to the increased computing power, insights can be gained from data.


There are several solutions where AI can be used

Chat Icon

Digital language assistance systems

Text and language assistance systems

Face Recognition Icon

Digital image processing

Recognition systems based on video data

  • Recognize & identify customers and objects
  • Safety improvement
  • Improve the real-time customer experience

Use Cases

Group Icon
Control Icon
Magnifying Glass Icon

Identification of emotions and feelings when an advertisement is shown

Integration with access control systems in commercial buildings

Identification of wanted persons at airports

Your contact person

Jonathan Rola

Head of Sales IoT

In his role as the contact person at IOX, Jonathan Rola identifies our customers' problems and requirements and links them with specific IoT solutions. As the link between the customer and the team of experts, he aligns the process of IoT projects to ensure successful realization.

Jonathan Rola

Our end-to-end service

We deliver the complete development of your IoT prototype or product from one source. 

Our team of experts consists of designers, hardware, software, IoT and app developers, electrical engineers and product owners, who all work hand in hand. This enables us to develop your complete solution in-house.

We accompany you throughout the entire development process: from the brainstorming and design process, through the hardware and software development of the frontend and backend, to the ongoing operation.

Ende zu Ende Prozess bei der Produktentwicklung IOX

Our awards


You want to know more about our End-to-end Solution Concept?

We would be happy to tell you more about our approach and projects without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you!


We deliver IoT solutions quickly, individually and scalably.


Phone: +49 211 545548 90


Speditionstr. 15a
40221 Düsseldorf

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu IOX GmbH